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Chord Evanescence - Far From Heaven Kunci Gitar Dasar dan Lirik

 Capo fret 2

Intro : Am G D..
        Am G D..

Am   -E/G# C
give me  a reason
Am     -E/G#   C
make me whole again
Am    -E/G#    C
wounds should become scars
        Dm        F
but i'm cracked instead..

Am   -E/G#   C
can't risk believing
     Am      E/G#   C
that i would stand a chance
Am    -E/G# C
frozen in the doorway
            Dm        F
don't wanna leave the past
Dm       F
one more night
                Am         C
what i wouldn't give to be with you
    Dm       F
for one more night..

Reff :
         Am      G
 what if i can't see
 your light anymore?
             Am        G
 'cause i've spent too long
        D    F
 in the dark..
 G        Am   G
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       F       G        Am 
 but i feel so far from heaven..

Int. Am..

Am    -E/G#  C
wake up to a new day
Am      -E/G#   C
break my heart again
Am      -E/G#       C
dreaming makes for sweet escape
      Dm       F
but i can't forget..

Am    -E/G#     C
i'm back at the edge now
  Am   -E/G#       C
i never needed you more
Am     -E/G#     C
staring down the emptiness
       Dm      F
that i can't ignore
Dm     F
all my life
             Am            C
didn't wanna dream i could lose you
    Dm       F
but you just smiled..

Reff :
         Am      G
 what if i can't see
 your light anymore?
             Am        G
 'cause i've spent too long
        D   F
 in the dark..
 G        Am   G
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       F       G       Am 
 but i feel so far from heaven..

F          G
 is anyone out there?
             Am       G
did you give up on us?
F      G      Am
 break this silence
i'm crushed under love
F              G
 i don't wanna lock down
but we've lost so much
     F      G
will you forgive me..

Reff :
    Am      G
 if i can't see
 your light anymore?
            Am        G
'cause i've spent too long
        D    F
 in the dark..
 -G      Am    G 
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       F       G
 but i feel so far from heaven..

Outro : Am G D..
             mm mmm..
        Am G D..
          F       G
        i feel so far..


Intro : Bm A E..
        Bm A E..

Bm   -F#/Bb D
give me  a  reason
Bm     -F#/Bb  D
make me whole again
Bm     F#/Bb    D
wounds should become scars
        Em        G
but i'm cracked instead..

Bm   -F#/Bb  D
can't risk believing
     Bm     -F#/Bb   D
that i would stand a chance
Bm    -F#/Bb  D
frozen in the doorway
            Em        G
don't wanna leave the past
Em       G
one more night
                Bm         D
what i wouldn't give to be with you
    Em       G
for one more night..

Reff :
         Bm      A
 what if i can't see
 your light anymore?
             Bm        A
 'cause i've spent too long
        E   G
 in the dark..
 A        Bm   A
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       G       A        Bm  
 but i feel so far from heaven..

Int. Bm..

Bm    -F#/Bb D
wake up to a new day
Bm      -F#/Bb  D
break my heart again
Bm      -F#/Bb     D
dreaming makes for sweet escape
      Em       G
but i can't forget..

Bm    -F#/Bb    D
i'm back at the edge now
  Bm    F#/Bb      D
i never needed you more
Bm     -F#/Bb    D
staring down the emptiness
       Em      G
that i can't ignore
Em     G
all my life
             Bm            D
didn't wanna dream i could lose you
    Em       G
but you just smiled..

Reff :
         Bm      A
 what if i can't see
 your light anymore?
             Bm        A
 'cause i've spent too long
        E   G
 in the dark..
 A        Bm   A
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       G       A       Bm  
 but i feel so far from heaven..

G          A
 is anyone out there?
             Bm      -A
did you give up on us?
G      A      Bm
 break this silence
i'm crushed under love
G              A
 i don't wanna lock down
but we've lost so much
     G      A
will you forgive me..

Reff :
    Bm      A
 if i can't see
 your light anymore?
            Bm        A
'cause i've spent too long
        E    G
 in the dark..
 -A      Bm    A 
 and i'm on my knees
 without shame begging to believe
       G       A
 but i feel so far from heaven..

Outro : Bm A E..
             mm mmm..
        Bm A E..
          G       A
        i feel so far..

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