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One Direction - Don T Forget Where You Belong MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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Lirik Lagu

if you're feeling down or weak
you can always count on me
i will always pick you up
nothing's ever gonna change
nothing's gettin' in my way
i will always hold you up

come what may
don't look back forget yesterday
forget yesterday

it's not where you come from
it's where you belong
nothin' i would trade
i wouldn't have it any other way
you're surrounded
by love and you're wanted
so never feel alone
you are home with me
right where you belong

i know sometimes you're feeling lost
it's hard to find your place in it all
but you don't have to fear
even when you mess up
you always got my love
i'm always right here
oh, cause

come what may
don't look back forget yesterday
forget yesterday (ay)

it's not where you come from
it's where you belong
nothin' i would trade
i wouldn't have it any other way
you're surrounded
by love and you're wanted
so never feel alone
you are home with me
right where you belong

oooo oooo (oooo) [x2]
don't matter where you've been
oooo oooo (oooo) [x2]
you're here for a reason

oooo oooo (oooo)

it's not where you come from
it's where you belong
nothin' i would trade
i wouldn't have it any other way
you're surrounded
by love and you're wanted
so never feel alone
you are home with me
right where you belong

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