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Oasis - Where Did It All Go Wrong MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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“where did it all go wrong?”

you know that feeling you get
you feel you're older than time
you ain't exactly sure
if you've been away a while

do you keep the receipts
for the friends that you buy
and ain't it bittersweet
you were only just getting by

but i hope you know
that it won't let go
it sticks around with you until the day you die
and i hope you know that it's touch and go
i hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outside
where did it all go wrong?

and until you've repaid
the dreams you bought for your lies
you'll be cast away
alone under the stormy skies

but i hope you know
that it won't let go
it sticks around with you until the day you die
and i hope you know that it's touch and go
i hope the tears don't stain the world that waits outside
where did it all go wrong?

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