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Labrinth - Let It Be Matrix Futurebound Remix MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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(just let it be)
i, i, i
(let it be, let it be, let it be)
(just let it be)
put my money where my mouth is
and i laid my cards
i'm a go out fightin' an leave my scars
i don't know about tomorrow
but i know i got heart
put my feet right on the margin
throw my hands out on the breeze
let it be
(let it be)
(woh oh oh)
baby this is russian roulette
and it ain't my gun
hallelujah i ain't dead yet
and i'm still going strong
i don't know about tomorrow
but the bottle ain't done
they say losers are forgot
but we all gotta take the leap and let it be
let it be
(let it be)
(just let it be)
it's time to turn the gun
oh i gotta turn it all
hope and pray
i think it's time to catch that train
i don't know where it starts
and i don't know where it ends
i guess that's the name of the game, oh no
oh let it be
(let it be)
just let it be
(let it be)

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