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Elton John - Suzie MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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Lirik Lagu

music by elton john
lyrics by bernie taupin
available on the alb-m honky chã¢teau

i got frostbitten in the winter
ice skating on the river
with my pretty little black-eyed girl
she'd make your darn toes curl just to see her

i got a fringe front on my buggy
i got a frisky little colt in a hurry
and a pretty little black-eyed suzie by my side

well she sure knows how to use me
pretty little black-eyed suzie
playing hooky with my heart all the time
living with her funky family
in a derelict old alley
down by the river where we share a little loving in the moonshine

i'm an old hayseed harp player
i'm the hit of the county fair
with my pretty little black-eyed girl
living proof as she swirls
she's a dancer

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