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Elton John - Lady Whats Tomorrow MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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[verse 1]
look up little brother
can you see the clover
no not over there
a little bit left and over there
now look and see the lilac tree
the lily pond, the skylark's song
the open air but no one cares
if branches live and die out there

remember when you were nine
and i was ten
we would run into the wood
no we never will again
and lady, what's tomorrow
what's tomorrow anyway
if it's not the same as now
it's the same as yesterday
yes lady, what's tomorrow
will it be the same as now
will the farmer push the pen
will the writer pull the plough

[verse 2]
look up little brother
can you see the clover
oh sorry but it's over
now there's concrete and no clover

remember when you were nine
and i was ten
we would run into the wood
no we never will, we never will again
and lady, what's tomorrow
what's tomorrow anyway
if it's not the same as now
it's the same as yesterday
yes lady, what's tomorrow
will it be the same as now
will the farmer push the pen
will the writer pull the plough
oh lady, what's tomorrow

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