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Chicago - Watching All The Colors MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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Lirik Lagu

how do people find their love?
love as it was meant to be
we wonder is it fate or gods above?
a crowd of people stand and stare
oblivious, we come together

the whiplash of this city street
a million people happen by
graffiti swirling pretty, swirling sweet
now our world is not the same
but i remember every moment
ever, ever

long ago and far away
eyes so deep, we kiss goodnight
the subway trains, violao gago
a christmas moon in black and white
the sting of tears, a scarlet sky
i'm watching all the colors in my
(watching all the colors)

sitting in the dark we see
images to stun, to cry
the fury of the sound, a samba beat
how do we embrace the past?
i will remember every moment
ever, ever

long ago and far away
eyes so deep, we kiss goodnight
the subway trains, violao gago
a christmas moon in black and white
the sting of tears, a scarlet sky
i'm watching all the colors in my
(watching all the colors)

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