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Chicago - Chains MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

Chord gitar tidak tersedia.

Lirik Lagu

i don't want any trouble. i don't want to make any waves.
i don't want any conscience. and i don't wanna be brave.
i've kept my distance. my feelings have never been shown.
i know that i've been walking fences,
denied what i have known.

i carry chains. (i carry chains.)
heavy, heavy chains. (chains that are made.)
i carry chains (i carry chains) 'round my feet.
i feel the weight (i feel the weight.)
chains are the different things that should not be hanging on me.

i put my conscience under a stone, the stone under the ground.
walked from where i had left it. i hoped it couldn't be found.
my conscience persisted. it's a haunted seed i have sown.
calls me out from the distance
and it just won't leave me alone.

i carry chains. (i carry chains.)
chains that are made. (chains that are made.)
i carry heavy chains. (i carry chains.)
talk about the weight. (i feel the weight.)
chains are the temporary things that should not be hanging on me.

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