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Tate Mcrae - ​young MP3 dan Lirik Lagu

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Lirik Lagu

[verse 1]
just waitin' for the day you kick us out
we already know, we're just too loud
we say a thousand words, can't control our mouths
so we're waiting for the day you kick us out

[verse 2]
maybe we don't understand it
maybe we haven't planned it all out
say we speak another language
or we're just tryna figure it out

[verse 3]
they say that time is ticking
but what do we have to lose?
we're supposed to be independant
but we end up gettin' used

[verse 4]
we're young, and a little bit selfish
but dumb, and a little bit reckless
just admit it, admit that out mind chooses the worst
we're just too young to notice

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